Road Traffic Cases

Road Traffic Law is complex. Losing your licence or getting points can have a devastating impact on your job and ability to earn a living. Serious cases can also result in imprisonment with a driving ban.

We have considerable experience in this area. If there is a defence we will find it. If there isn’t a defence we can still advise and help to limit the damage.

The aim in road traffic cases is to keep you on the road and out of jail.

Arrested or charged?

We can assist with police custody cases and interviews. You will usually be offered the opportunity of legal advice when you are in the police station.

Our solicitors have been in many police interviews and we know the techniques and how it works. In the more serious cases we will have to argue for bail if you are kept in custody for court the next day. We will deal with the trial later.

You will be advised about every step in the procedure, we know what we are doing and we will be looking out for your interests.


Trials and other court hearings.

We have represented clients in a great many trials and court hearings. There is an art to effective advocacy in court. Experience is essential when the liberty of a client is at risk.

The Covid lockdown caused a backlog of trials. We will make sure proceedings are conducted fairly for our clients.

Your case might not need a trial. An effective lawyer can also negotiate a good plea for the client where appropriate.

Whatever is going to happen, we will be fighting for you.